Case Studies
Proven at Scale
Our Case Studies demonstrate a wide variety of successful solutions for a diverse portfolio of partners.

Montreal, QC
Accuracy Always:
Real-Time Data Amidst Severe Weather Conditions
This three-year smart city pilot with the Montréal Parking Authority successfully captured precise on-street parking data to improve enforcement and help guide motorists to open spots, displaying exceptional accuracy throughout Montreal’s notoriously harsh winter weather.

San Francisco, California
The Numbers Say It All:
The Benefits of Real-Time Data
Fybr was the turnkey provider of parking sensor hardware, maintenance, and data delivery for this federally-funded San Francisco pilot program. Results included a significant increase in parking revenue and ticking, and a decrease in traffic congestion, time spent parking, and greenhouse emissions.

Avalon, CA
A Unique Community Challenge With An Innovative Solution
Avalon is an island community that only permits golf carts for transportation. Fybr provided a successful parking solution that was finely-tuned to enable highly accurate data on vehicles with low magnetic signatures (like golf carts) allowing Avalon to manage a massive seasonal influx in tourist traffic.

Washington, D.C.
From Pilot Program to Citywide Initiative:
A Successful Demonstration
Fybr’s pilot program successfully used technology, pricing, and real-time information to make parking easier and reduce congestion in bustling Washington, DC neighborhoods. Due to our success, Washington DC is expanding demand-based parking pricing to other District areas.

SMC Labs
IoT In Action:
Sweeping Solutions For Parking, Irrigation and Air Quality
San Mateo County Labs currently employs Fybr’s end-to-end, integrated IoT platform to enable better parking, irrigation management, air quality monitoring, and asset management. This sweeping pilot effort has had marked positive effects in all desired areas, including the increased use of electric vehicles.

Monarch Valley Farms
Innovations in Agriculture:
How Technology Can Move Farming Forward
Fybr collaborated to test and demonstrate state-of-the-art technology with Monarch Valley Farms, the world’s largest producer of plums. Our solution successfully showcased how the integration of a low-powered wireless network and sensors can improve operations, reduce costs, and improve crop yield.
Irrefutable outcomes to a wide variety of challenges. The use-cases vary. The results do not.
Depth of Experience
Others in our field have come and gone. For over 20 years, Fybr has remained on the leading edge, pioneering a wide variety of innovative IoT solutions.
Flexibility and Scalability
Flexible, scalable, and unique to the needs of your community. Responsive, comprehensive solutions for most every use-case and need.

Latest News

Fybr Promotes Bryan McKee to Chief Operating Officer.
Fybr proudly announces Bryan McKee will be assuming the position of Chief Operating Officer. Before joining Fybr in January 2015 as VP of Operations, McKee served in the United States Marine Corps and spent several years lending his talents to a major defense contractor.

Innovating Parking in Columbus: An interview with Robert Ferrin
The Columbus Division of Parking Services embraces the spirit of innovation and the use of technology to create an optimal on-street parking experience in its urban neighborhoods.

Fybr Promotes Linnell Gorden to Executive Vice President, Software Engineering.
Fybr proudly announces Linnell Gorden will be assuming the position of Senior Vice President, Software Engineering. Beginning with Fybr as a consultant in 2014, Gorden was initially brought on board to support the Java-based infrastructure in place at the time.
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640 Cepi Drive, Suite C
Saint Louis, MO 63005
+1 636.730.3111